Wear socks to bed …
Swiss researchers found that people fell asleep quickest when their hands and feet were warmest. This happens because warm feet and hands cause blood vessels to enlarge, allowing more heat to escape your body, which in turn lowers your core temperature faster and causes you to fall asleep. Putting on socks may help you fall asleep in half the time it normally takes. (1)
… But not a bra
Bras, with their straps and hooks and especially underwires, dig into the skin and interfere with the flow of lymph through your lymphatic system. The result can be health problems that, apart from irritations, welts, indentations and cysts, include an increased risk of breast cancer. One 1991 Harvard study found that wearing a bra 24/7 increased the incidence of breast cancer by 100%. (2)
Questions and answers about chiropractic
Question: What diseases do chiropractors treat?
Answer: None of them and all of them. Chiropractic is not a treatment for named diseases but should be sought out no matter what conditions or diseases a person suffers from or is diagnosed with – back pain, depression, cold. flu, cancer, autism, allergies, asthma – everything from A to Z. How can that be? It’s because chiropractic’s purpose is to release subluxations – blockages or interferences in your body that prevent you from functioning at your best.
Think of chiropractic subluxation correction as you would good nutrition. What diseases do you need good nutrition for? All of them! The chiropractic message is simple: do not live with subluxations and do not let your children, your spouse and your friends and relatives live with subluxations.
One day going to the chiropractor for a subluxation check-up will be done by most everyone on a regular basis. We need to start more conversations with, “Hey, did you see your chiropractor this week?”
Traditional Eating
The Greatest Cancer Fighter
The most powerful cancer fighter ever discovered is naturally-occurring vitamin D. One study found that low vitamin D significantly increases overall cancer risk. (3) While another study showed that the vitamin D you make from sunshine lowers your chances of dying from 15 kinds of cancer. (4) Another study found that vitamin D can lower the chance you’ll get cancer by 77% (5) and production in the skin decreases the likelihood you’ll get stomach, colorectal, live, and gallbladder, pancreas, lung, breast, prostate, bladder and kidney cancers. (6)
Vitamin D also enhances mood; boosts your immune system; prevents bone and muscle weakness; fights heart disease; prevents diabetes; fights arthritis, pain, and inflammation; prevents Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
The easiest, safest and cheapest way (it’s free) to increase the amount of vitamin D your body produces is through regular exposure to sunlight, which is not easy, especially during the winter months. Many nutritionists, therefore, recommend 5,000 IU every day with the D3 form especially important.
Nutritional sources of Vitamin D include fatty fish (like herring, sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon), beef liver, cheese and egg yolks.
Words of Wisdom
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – Jennifer M. Granholm
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein
Harry Truman said, “My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.”
Did you know?
- The smallest bones in the human body are found in your ear?
- Cats spend 66% of their life asleep?
- Money is the number one thing that couples argue about?
- When lightning strikes, it can reach up to 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit?
1.Kräuchi K, Cajochen C, Werth E et al. Physiology: Warm feet promote the rapid onset of sleep. Nature. 1999;401:36-37.
2. Singer SR, Grismaijer S. Dressed To Kill: The Link between Breast Cancer and Bras. (5th ed.). Pahoa, Hawaii: ISCD Press.2014:12.
3. Ordóñez-Mena J, Schöttker B, Haug U, Müller H, Köhrle J, Schomburg L, Holleczek B, Brenner H. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d and cancer risk in older adults: results from a large German prospective cohort study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.2013;22(5):905-916.
4. Grant WB, Garland CF. The association of solar ultraviolet B (UVB) with reducing risk of cancer: multifactorial ecologic analysis of geographic variation in age-adjusted cancer mortality rates. Anticancer Research. 2006; 26:2687-2699.
5. Lappe JM et al. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.2007;85(6):1586-1591.
6. Tuohimaa P et al. Does solar exposure, as indicated by the non-melanoma skin cancers, protect from solid cancers: vitamin D as a possible explanation. Eur. J. Cancer. 2007;43(11):1701-1712.