Dr. Jeffrey Meyers’ sports injury and chiropractic clinic is committed to providing you with the best in wellness.
For over 20 years, Dr. Jeffrey Meyers’ chiropractors clinic has been offering effective and affordable chiropractic care, acupuncture, science-based nutritional counseling and other integrative healing therapies. And, he’d love to help you, too! Walk in and same day appointments in Omaha are welcome. Contact Back2Health Wellness Center today at (402) 898-1540
Omaha Chiropractor and Healing Care by One of the Midwest’s Leading Chiropractic and Acupuncture Therapy Providers
- Chiropractic Care
- Spinal Rehabilitation
- Back Pain Relief
- Nutrition Therapy
- Anxiety Management
- Auto Trauma Specialist
- Sports Injury Treatment
- Personal Injury Treatment
- Herbal Supplementation
- Anti-Aging Counseling
- Headache Relief
- Homeopathy
- Acupuncture
- Preventive Care
- Weight Loss
Our Clinic Offers Safe, Effective Chiropractic Treatment for Common Conditions Such as…
- Upper Back Pain
- Chronic Injuries
- Tension Headaches
- Shoulder Pain
- Work Injuries
- Neck Pain
- Migraines
- Fibromyalgia
- Sciatica
- Whiplash
- Elbow Pain
"Our mission at Back2Health Chiropractic, acupuncture and wellness services — a leading chiropractor and wellness provider, is to help you enjoy less pain and optimal vitality. I invite you to contact my office for appointments or a same day visit." Jeffrey Meyers, Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine
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Lower Back Pain Treatment, Injury Prevention and Relief
According to the National Institute of Health, lower back pain…
- • Is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
- • Consistently ranks as the #1 or #2 leading cause of work-related disability in America.(1)
- • Affects more than a quarter of adults in any given 3-month period.
If you suffer from occasional or chronic back pain, dull aches or sharp agony — you are certainly not alone. And, lower back pain continues to be even more common.
Potential causes
Factors that may quickly come to mind:
- • Accidents and falls
- • Sports injury
- • Twisting ‘the wrong way’
- • Even simple, fluke movements
Other possible contributors include:
- • Poor posture (Less than half of us even consider our posture(6))
- • Non-ergonomic workstation
- • Obesity
- • Stress
- • Genetics
- • Pregnancy
- • Age
- • Diseases (like kidney stones, tumors, arthritis, blood clots and osteoporosis bone loss, for example.)
7 Ways to minimize or prevent problems:
- Are you at a healthy body weight? Not sure? Simply measure your height and weight and plug those numbers into this online BMI (Body Mass Indicator) tool. If you’re overweight, make a plan to bring your body weight into the healthy range.
- Many of us lead sedentary lives during the week and then turn into weekend warriors. While the intentions may be admirable, intense, infrequent activity may, in fact, put us at greater risk of sprains, strains and muscle pulls. A better approach is to engage in moderate physical activity on a daily basis. Low-impact aerobic exercises such as swimming and yoga wonderful ways to maintain joint, muscle and bone health as well as to prevent lower back injuries and pain.
- Keep your childrens’ school backpack load under 20% of the child’s body weight.
- Lift and move objects properly and modify repetitive tasks. These steps alone would eliminate over 1/3 of all work related injury!
- Anxiety, depression, and stress may all contribute to muscle tension.
- Take regular breaks from the computer or your work station to stretch and loosen your shoulders, legs, neck and back muscles.
- During work breaks or lunch time, take short brisk walks to get your heart and muscles working or try self massage to reduce stress. (Some people experience anxiety relief after just a few minutes of massage, when applied to specific pressure points.)
Tips for pain relief
You’re probably aware of the current opioid addiction epidemic. Clearly painkillers are not a wise first-level pain care solution.
2 Safer, more natural solutions for lower back pain relief:
- Resist the temptation to "wait it out" and heal in bed. Studies suggest that too much bed rest may actually make matters worse.(3) Rather, engage in gentle stretching and try to carefully resume your normal activity as soon as possible.
- Consider seeing Omaha chiropractor, Dr. Jeffrey Meyers. On average, 66% of patients who sought chiropractic care for back pain reported "great benefit" from their treatments.(4) Omaha chiropractor Dr. Jeffrey Meyers can often help determine the cause of lower back pain problem and discuss the most appropriate resolution for immediate relief as well as long-term prevention. Studies suggest that patients who receive chiropractic spinal manipulation treatment often experience significant low back pain relief.(5) (Learn more about spine manipulation techniques and spine manipulative therapy.) Another safe, natural and research-supported alternative care for treating lower back pain is acupuncture services, which is available at Dr. Meyers’ chiropractic clinic, as well.
What is Sciatica?
A slipped (herniated) disk often results in inflammation and pressure on the sciatic nerve, which leads from the lower back through the buttocks and leg. This disorder, known as ‘sciatica’ occurs most frequently after lifting something heavy or a quick movement. And while the symptoms of sciatica can range from a mild ache to excruciating pain, sciatica often resolves itself after a couple weeks of taking it easy, gentle stretching and self massage. Otherwise, please contact us for a consultation.
Lower Back Pain causes, tips and treatment sources:
1. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Low-Back-Pain-Fact-Sheet
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24665116
3. https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/bed-rest-for-back-pain-a-little-bit-will-do-you
4. https://nccih.nih.gov/health/chiropractic/introduction.htm
5. https://www.acatoday.org/Patients/Health-Wellness-Information/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics
A 2017 review in the Journal of the American Medical Association supports spinal manipulation therapy as a non-drug treatment for acute low back pain care.
About Omaha Chiropractic Dr. Jeffrey Meyers D.C.
#1 Omaha Chiropractors Center Since 1996
Chiropractor Dr. Jeffrey Meyers in Omaha utilizes low force chiropractic care is gentle yet specific. He’s helped many chiropractic patients return to a much healthier, pain free state.
A fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncturists, Dr. Meyers earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Nebraska and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Palmer College in Davenport, Iowa.
Post graduate certification training includes: Fellow International Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Certified Low-Speed Rear Impact Automobile Crash Reconstruction at the Center for Research into Automotive Safety and Health and Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology 2003.
His Omaha chiropractors office utilizes detailed lab testing, chiropractic therapy, and nutrition to help patients less pain regain and maintain optimal health. Read about Dr. Jeffrey Meyers approach to chiropractic techniques and acupuncture care for treating work and sports related injury and back pain — while helping to improve overall body health and wellness.
Feedback for Jeffrey Meyers D.C. and Back2Health Chiropractic:
"I’ve suffered a lot of different team sports injury over the years and have tried different chiropractors, massage therapists, and laser therapy… but those didn’t provide long lasting back pain relief. I was talking with another chiropractic patient who was recovering from an auto accident and he convinced me to schedule a visit with Dr. Jeff. I was skeptical of chiropractors in general but Dr. Jeff’s chiropractic adjustments have helped relieve my back pain and body aches like nothing else I’ve tried (even more than massage). I try to make an appointment almost every time I’m in town. (At some point, I may even try an acupuncture treatment.)"
Contact Our Omaha Chiropractic Center
Contact Dr. Meyers to request an acupuncture appointment or chiropractic clinic consultation in Omaha!
Phone: (402) 898-1540
Fax: (402) 898-1541
7826 Davenport St.
Omaha, NE 68114
Visit us at our chiropractic center (minutes from downtown near North 78th and Dodge). Read our Google Reviews!